Songs · Stop Motion

Ancient Tree

Haven’t done a stop motion for awhile. Recently I realized that stop-motion out of all the arts I’m interested in pursuing is the one I want to try and do my regularly. So at 11:40pm last night I decided to make this. It already was late when I started making it but I managed to get it finished in an hour, which made me feel pretty proud of myself. And yes that’s me singing and making the music. I’ve been wanting to make a video where every aspect including the music was completely original. I’m finally stepping one foot forward toward this goal! It is very rough in terms of the lighting, the focus, the smoothness between each shot, the abrupt endong, and number of other things I could name but the emotion and atmosphere between what is seen and heard was consistent. The graphics were simple and economical and the mood and pacing was engaging. I look forward to making more of these! Maybe even making a musical stop-motion sometime! 😀